Giving Letter 2022

Members and Friends of Journey of Faith, 

What a challenging and exciting year 2021 has been for Journey of Faith! Being able to  return to in-person worship was only one of the many ways the church strengthened the connections that create a vibrant witness and ministry. 

The Zoom connection enabled virtual worship and meetings early in the year. And it  continues to make it possible for people far and near to be a part of meetings and worship experiences. Knowledgable and creative volunteers support these high quality connections. 

The church building is bustling through the winter as a regular site for the Warming Center, offering food and fellowship during the week. The Soap 'n Suds schedule, offering showers and laundry facilities, is always full for anyone in need. And the Art Gallery gives space and income to creative spirits. 

And our dream of serving as a hub for a network of ministries is growing. Peace House is expanding its outreach to those in need of housing and community support. The church's connections to the West Willow Initiative serve seniors in that community through an expanding health services and relationships with each other and the wider area. Plans include a program for student nurses to provide clinic services. 

During 2021, Journey of Faith has received funding through the National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church, United Way of Washtenaw County, and Ann Arbor Community Foundation. These grant awards deepen our relationship and strengthen connections with the West Willow neighborhood of Ypsilanti, through our Health and Wellness Initiative there. In 2022, we will collaborate with their neighborhood association and another of our community partners, New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church, to develop community-driven solutions that result in creation of aging-friendly and aging-centered community connections and spaces.  

These opportunities for worship, community, and assistance are supported by dedicated staff members and volunteers, who offer their time and skills to welcome and serve all.  

These connections are made possible by planning and budgeting, determining what resources we need for the work ahead. Journey of Faith continues to diversify our funding sources, securing grants, renting out space, and expanding our base of donors. Still, last year, your giving—the giving of individuals and families—made up the largest single portion of our income, as well as the portion least tied to specific projects.

Your giving allows a flexibility of cash flow in a year that demanded flexibility in ministry. For this, we thank you. 

Please set aside some time in the coming weeks to consider what’s next, for Journey of Faith, and for you, as part of our community, our work, our future. Please prayerfully fill out the pledge card (click the box below) before January 31, 2022.


Melanie Odom-Groh (Board Co-chair)

Rosalie Karunas (Board Co-Chair)