
serve in & around our community

All around us, people are hurting. They are tired, worn down and lonely. God cares deeply about the real-life challenges of people in our neighborhoods. There are practical ways you can show God's love through service and sharing your personal testimony of faith.

Through, service there’s a glimpse of what God’s reign offers — a world of justice, love and saving acts on behalf of others. We’re working to serve our community by focusing on four areas:


"Jesus came to serve, not to be served ..." — Matthew 20:28



Seek Justice & Peace

Many of us are saying, "I've seen the videos. Maybe I've even attended a protest or two. I'm angry. I'm sad. What can I do?"  

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” —Micah 6:8



Derek Penwell in his book, “Outlandish” writes: “Jesus did everything wrong. Embracing the people society pushed to the margins. Healing the hurting and confronting those doing harm. Expecting outrageous commitment from his followers.

Questionable teaching methods. A humiliating end followed by an improbable surprise ending. And then, somehow, inspired millions to attempt to change the world in his name.”

You’ve got a part in God’s story of pursuing a “world to come” — we long, yearn and pine for the beauty and majesty of heaven, especially when it collides with the world that is.

Jesus works to help you see what's special about you and your God-given gifts — whatever they are. Imagine walking into the holy Presence and seeing God smile at you. How does that make you feel?

"The world’s depending on those who say they love Jesus to live like Jesus."  —Derek Penwell



Pray & be present

We wrestle with the question, "How can we be known as a faith community that loves mercy, seeks justice, and walks humbly with God?"

Justice has been at the core of our faith for a long time now.  

We continue to rediscover what biblical justice looks like for us today.  We think it's pass time again to stand up and take action to protect people from hate, violence and persecution.

If you want to do something now to help ... There are few ideas to get you started:  

“Preach the gospel at all times, and when absolutely necessary use words.” —Richard Rohr



Stay Informed & Speak out

What does it take to make a difference?

Simply put, people like you doing simple things. Calling and writing your legislator. Educating people in your community. Connecting with others.

You may have a passion for building a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world. This is why we want to give you some tools to become a more effective advocate for the common good.

Below you will find a variety of resources that you can utilize in your advocacy work. They are designed so that you can print them out and share them with the people in your community. Sometimes, the most obvious ways you can take action are by:

o   Staying informed about which bills are being introduced to Congress. You can find your representatives and literally ‘track’ which legislation is currently being debated in Congress.

o   Speaking out to make your voice heard. You can contact your congressman or senator and let them know how you feel about an issue or write a letter to influence legislation.

o   Bringing people of faith together, institutions and organizations to build community and address the root causes, and results of poverty, violence and division can change the character of political debate and provide a glimpse of God’s hope for a better world.

"Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me."  — Jesus


Our Partners

The United Way of Washtenaw County generously supports Journey of Faith with monetary grants that enable us to do our work.

Journey of Faith partners with Peace House Ypsi to help achieve their mission of serving and supporting those experiencing homelessness and poverty.


1900 Manchester Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Phone: 734.971.4245 | Email: